Sunday, April 12, 2015

French Renaissance: Peer Reviews

Haley Hofman: She started out with good information, but I think that at times some of what she said was contradictory to what we actually learned in class. Also, since I am a future teacher, I tend to notice grammar issues very easily, and I found a few in her post, I would suggest to her that she should reread her posts before submitting them. I would have liked to see some pictures that had to do specifically with the neoclassical period, since that is the one that she chose to cover more in depth. However, I felt that she had a pretty good base knowledge of this time period and that she chose a nice example of a modern day French Renaissance inspired bedroom.

Micah: I like the style of Micah's blog, it was easy to read and visually appealing. Micah seemed to have good base knowledge of this period as well, however I would have liked to see a little bit more. It felt quite short. The images were good though, especially the current example of a mansard roof.

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